- What
Chat & Chew With Counselors
- Who
- Kensington High School
- When
September 25, 202111:00am - 12:00pm
- How
1 hour Informal Chat & Chew with 2 Counselors, getting to learn more about Kensington High School's programs and you.
Please RSVP Ms. Hart (jhart2@philasd.org) or Mr. Mendonça (jmendonca@philasd.org)to confirm your attendance.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 128274
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Meeting ID: 982 4324 0093
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Registration Info
Please RSVP Ms. Hart (jhart2@philasd.org) or Mr. Mendonça (jmendonca@philasd.org)to confirm your attendance.